Developing ReactJS Single Page Apps for SharePoint
Last year, I decided that I wanted to learn different ways to create web applications. The two major candidates were Angular 1.x and ReactJS. I went through some courses on Pluralsight and other training sites for both. After “playing” around with both, I can honestly say that I prefer ReactJS over Angular. Angular 2.0 looks…
Updated Presentation Slides
I just uploaded the slides to the two presentations I did at SPS-KC on October 1, 2016. You can find them on the SPSKC site under Sessions, or you can get the links on my Presentation Notes page.
Phoenix here I come!
I’m very excited to be speaking at SharePoint Saturday – Phoenix on November 23, 2013. This is the furthest WEST I have presented and I am excited. I love Phoenix and I have visited and worked here a few times over my career. I think HDR even has an office or two here. For this…
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday – Twin Cities
SharePoint Saturday-Twin Cities has to be my favorite conference to speak at. The group that runs it is always professional and they really demonstrate how to run a SharePoint Saturday. I used them as a resource when I started planning SharePoint Saturday – Omaha. The lessons I learned from attending SPSTC and from their leaders…
Client side Application Development in SharePoint – July Omaha SharePoint User Group Presentation References
I promised that I would upload my slide deck from this presentation but after looking at the slides, it appears that the only thing worthwhile are the links that I provided for further study. So, without further ado, here are the references: SharePoint Foundation 2010 Client Object Model Redistributable Download : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21786 Javascript Object…
February 27 – Omaha User Group Presentation – The SharePoint SweetSpot – Links
If you attended the February Omaha SharePoint User Group meeting, Thank You! We had 32 people show up for a great lunch provided by QCI and I hope you also learned something you can bring back to your organization. Thank you to Bass & Associates, Kerry Dirks and Steve Wright for providing prizes! Some notes:…
SharePoint Roadshow – Omaha
A friend of mine, Cory VanDyke, works for Ricoh and asked me to spread the word about their SharePoint Roadshow that will be held at the Microsoft Seminar Facilities in Omaha on February 21, 2012. If you want more information on this, you can download the flyer here – Omaha Flyer 2-12-2012. Looks like a…
Live Example of my Org Chart/Site Map Mashup
If you have read my series on creating an Org Chart or Site Map using SharePoint lists, SPServices library, jQuery and the Google Charting API, I now have that solution posted online for you to see. Go to: http://sharepoint.dipetersen.com/orgchart/default.aspx to see it in action! Try it in different browsers. Let me know what you think!
I’ll be speaking at SharePoint Saturday – Kansas City!
I just received the confirmation letter that I will be presenting at SharePoint Saturday – Kansas City on December 10, 2011. Come see my presentation and say hi!
I’m speaking at SharePoint Saturday – Twin Cities on Oct 29, 2011
I just found out I’ll be presenting my Mashup presentation at SharePoint Saturday – Twin Cities on October 29! Come see me and hopefully I’ll have some books with to sign!