XSL:split-string function
One of the reasons I like developing for SharePoint is that I get to work with many different technologies and platforms. When I am designing a custom list for (display, edit or new), There are times where I may have a delimited string in a field that I want to display differently on the screen.…
SharePoint Saturday – Indianapolis
Up and ready for a great SPS-Indy. The building is a great location for a SharePoint Conference. My session is scheduled for 2pm so I’ll get to attend some other great sessions. Here are some pictures I have taken of the venue. Look for more later!
SharePoint Saturday – Ozarks
I just saw that they are having SharePoint Saturday – Ozarks again this summer. SPSOzarks was my first SharePoint Saturday experience and I really enjoyed it. The information I learned, and the relationships that I began that Saturday were the impetus for getting more involved in the SharePoint community. Since that Saturday in Harrison, Arkansas,…
Feature and Code Depreciation in SharePoint 2010
SharePoint Joel (Joel Olesen) has a good post in preparing for Code and Feature Depreciation in SP2010. Understanding Feature and Code Depreciation for Upgrade to SharePoint 2010
Easy Check If An SPWeb/SPList Exist
I write a lot of code using the SharePoint object model. Often times, I want to check to see if a particular Web exists in a Site Collection or a List exists in a Web. I used to write methods that enumerated through the collection to see if they existed or I wrapped a Try-Catch…
SharePoint Saturday – Indianapolis / New Orleans
I have been confirmed to present at SharePoint Saturday – Indianapolis on January 30, 2010 and SharePoint Saturday – New Orleans on Febuary 27, 2010. I’ve never been to Indianapolis or New Orleans, so I’m looking forward to it. I will presenting the same presentation I did at SharePoint Saturday – Kansas City – What…
Determining SQL Requirements for SharePoint
Joel Oleson has a good post about determining your SQL server requirements in your SharePoint implementation. A good resource for planning. 10 Key Questions Determining SharePoint SQL Server Count